An Affirmation of Faith

I believe in God the divine parent: provider of sustenance, challenge, and relief; who has created all and continues to create among us even now; who is among us in ways we can know, and in ways unknowable.

I believe in Jesus Christ the beloved child, our savior: redeemer of humanity, deliverer from sin; who is the poured out love of God in creation, simultaneously human and divine; who was born of Mary, and sought safety in Egypt as a refugee; who amazed rabbis and priests as a child; who preached and performed miracles as an itinerant and homeless prophet; who was an unjustly convicted and executed criminal of the Roman Empire—his death was overturned by the will of God, and his resurrection has defeated the power of death.

I believe in the Holy Spirit the constant helper: whose presence inspires and whose movement among us reveals God in our midst; who works with the church and despite the church to bring about God’s will in creation; who works with us and despite us to spread God’s love in the world; who constantly and creatively surprises.

I believe in the Kin-dom of God, among us now but incomplete, and look to the
future hope of Christ’s return to radically overturn evil and suffering.

I believe in the unmerited grace of God and the forgiveness of sin.

I believe in the common mission of the Church.

I believe in the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


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