"Dominus pastor noster" A Psalm 23 adaptation (with Doxology)

(inspired by Bobby McFerrin's arrangement/adaptation. Can be utilized as a communal call to worship)

The Lord is our shepherd,
and leads us to what we need.
The Great Pastor invites us to rest in green grasses.
and guides us to clean, still waters.

Our souls are restored, 
God rights our wrongs,
We are led on a path of good things
and our hearts are filled with music.

Even though we walk in a dark and dreary land,
there is nothing that can shake us,
the Great Shepherd will not abandon us,
we’re in God’s hand.

He sets a table before us in the presence of our foes,
She anoints our head with oil, and our cup overflows.

surely goodness and kindness will accompany us throughout our lives, 
and we will live in the presence of God, forever and ever.

Glory to the Holy Trinity, our God who creates, redeems, and sustains, as it was 
in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

I invite you to listen to this exquisite take on Psalm 23 written and composed by Bobby McFerrin. 
It is sung sublimely by the Cantus ensemble:


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