A Pilgrimage to Iona, Part I

“People come to Iona seeking Peace and Quiet. People leave Iona seeking Peace and Justice.” I had the incredible opportunity recently to spend five days on the island of Iona in western Scotland. This is a place I have only had the pleasure of knowing at a distance, a place with a religious community whose songs have been what I have cut my teeth on as I have learned to become a worship enlivener in the church. Iona is a place with a rich history that began before the printed bible, the separation of the Western and Eastern Christian Church, and only one hundred years after unanimous adoption of the Christian Canon. The Abbey in Iona can trace its origins back to St. Columba, a venerated saint who established the island as a holy place in 563 after being exiled from Ireland. Iona can be considered a bastion of Celtic Christianity in Scotland, and many of the thousands of pilgrims who are hospitably welcomed there deem it a “thin” place. This was one of the views we...