Luke Chapter 20 "Render Unto Caesar"

My Annual Conference in North Texas is sharing in a conference wide bible study of Luke and Acts. I've been asked to share my thoughts on three chapters (one a week) and I figured I would share these thoughts with you as well. I invite you to comment below if you are either impressed OR offended! One of the repeated themes in this chapter centers on Jesus’ exposure of the hypocrisy of the chief priests, legal experts, and elders . The Common English Bible uses the term “legal expert” where the New Revised Standard Version uses “scribe.” I find this funny, because all of these terms (priest, elder, religious expert, Pharisee, etc.) have a contemporary equivalent to people like me and others who are trusted with knowledge and theological training and tasked to use it. It should be noted that , instead of sharing their wisdom and knowledge, in chapter 20 the “experts” spent their time trying to trip up Jesus . The author of Luke makes a point to expose the hypocrisy of thes...