Confession "Often we do not"
The lectionary psalm for March 8 is Psalm 19.
Here is a Lenten confession in the spirit of this Psalm:
Here is a Lenten confession in the spirit of this Psalm:
The heavens are telling the Glory of the Lord
We confess that often we do not.
In our unwillingness to see the beauty of God’s creation
We confess that we allow for its abuse.
We have not been good stewards of creation
We confess that we have not valued the resources with which we are blessed.
We have not been good neighbors
We confess that we have not loved one another as we ought.
We have harmed each other through our deeds
We confess that we have also harmed each other in our inaction.
We confess that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts have not always been pleasing to you, our Rock and Redeemer.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
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