"When Words Alone Cannot Express" A Hymn by Rev. John Thornburg
This article was originally published by "UMC Discipleship," the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church's website as a "History of Hymns" article--"History of Hymns" is an ongoing hymnological column--this article didn't survive the transition to www.umcdiscipleship.org when it migrated in Fall 2019. When Words Alone Cannot Express by John Thornburg Worship & Song, No. 3012 When words alone cannot express all that our hearts ache to confess, bring music! Alleluia! Bring melody and rhythmic fire! Bring instruments, bring bells and choir! Bring music! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!* *Originally included in The One Who Taught Beside the Sea by John Thornburg , © 2003 Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. WL 800009. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Even though it is a 21 st -century hymn text, it is hard to separate “When words alone cannot express” from the familiar 17 th -century hymn tune for which it was writ...