Making Sacred Spaces More Sacred

It’s 4:19AM, and I am writing this from the reception desk of my church which has become a temporary pop-up homeless shelter. I am sleep deprived, full of coffee, and awestruck by how my last week has been. This blog mostly centers around my writing for worship, so I want to spend some time talking about the architecture of our sacred spaces. This paragraph might not seem cohesive or coherent yet, but it will. Let me refill my coffee. Okay. While it is true that we can worship fully regardless of the space we are in, another argument can be for the impact our worship’s architecture has on our sense of reverence, awe, and our sense of the sacred in the midst of our worship. I have seen some incredible worship spaces, from the centuries old Abbey on the Island of Iona in Scotland, to the historic, 102 year old sanctuary of my own church, to a worship space that also serves as a coffee shop. Main Sanctuary of the Abbey on the Island of Iona Two qualities serve ...