Body vs. Spirit: Lent, Fasting and Failing

It's Lent, y'all. And many of us will choose at this time to abstain from a practice or consumption of something. Whether it's giving up chocolate, or deciding that Lent is the time to work on fighting an addiction, one of the beautiful things I find about Lent is this broad, global and communal participation in what can be understood as a spiritual practice. Millions of people fully and simultaneously engaging in spiritual formation is incredible to consider. Let's talk about Fasting. It is interesting what the contemporary version of fasting has become in our Christian culture. Traditionally, fasting quite literally means a time of not eating. Not eating anything, or at least severely mitigating food intake for a period of time. Now I am not here to make value statements regarding giving up Diet Coke for Lent as opposed to more vigorous forms of Fasting. We don't have time to be Lenten hipsters. ("My Lenten practice is totally vintage.") Fasting...