"Do not fear, just believe." a fearless call to worship. (Mark 5:21-43)
Jesus, you healed the untouchable and gave life to the dead. In our doubt you told us, “Do not fear, just believe.” Jesus, you are in the midst of us; healing and loving. When we shy away from our call as Christians to love as you loved, remind us, “Do not fear, just believe.” Jesus, you are present to us in our suffering. You walk alongside us in grief. You mourn the hatred that ensnares all of us. When we feel as if we cannot love anymore, encourage us, “Do not fear, just believe.” Jesus, you fearlessly faced the cross of our hatred. You fearlessly loved those whom society rejected. You fearlessly spoke truth to power. Grant us the perspective to see all around us as our neighbors so that we might not fear the stranger, but believe that they are children of God. Grant us patience to be present to those with whom we disagree that we might not fear their view point, but believe that they have passion and integrity just as we do. Grant us the courage to speak truth...